Monday, May 26, 2008

It's Memorial Day!

We love to honor those who have served our country and especially those who have been required to serve in combat. There is one person in my generation that has served in combat - he is a decorated war hero that risked his life to save the lives of his brothers in combat. I'm aware of 3 people in my parents generation that served in combat, one of them died in combat, another died while still in the service.

For $5 - who can name all 4 of these people? Email your answer to me. All five of you can win.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

FIRST playoff prize!!

Good job getting the predictions up (Kiki??).

The first prize of the competition comes in an unannounced category....

Scottee wins $5 just for having such a creative post!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

N dot B dot A dot DO IT!

Pistons vs. Celtics = Celtics in 5
Lakers vs. Spurs = Lakers in 6

Finals = Lakers vs. Celtics = Celtics in 6

KKs prediction

I don't really know what I'm doing so i'm just gonna kinda put what dad put!!!

Lakers/celtics- lakers in 5

Pistons/spurs- pistons in 6

Lakers/pistons- lakers in 7

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


L to the LA puts the faggots up in that dust pan after they sweep the big cuban fundamental's foosball "team".
The C's mess around with flip and let them win one game and then lay down the law and bring in golem late in game 5 in the new garden when they are up by 22..Jack Nicholson pops the cork on that champaign and hits Doc right in the head when the lakers win in game 6, if he decides to man up and go to an away game..BooYa pay me

Playoff predictions - Rex

Lakers/Spurs - Lakers in 5
Celtics/Pistons - Celtics in 6

Lakers/Celtics - Celtics in 7

CONG Recipe

Soften 1 cup of butter or margarine and combine it real well with 2 1/4 cups of brown sugar.
Add 2 eggs (the original recipe calls for 3 - try it to see it you like it)
Add vanilla - maybe a Tablespoon - mix all of that really well.

Combine 2 3/4 cups of flour, I Tablespoon of baking POWDER, and some salt - maybe a teaspoon. Combine those dry ingredients with the mix of butter, sugar, etc...

Add choccy chips - whatever kind you like. How many?? Idunno... a couple of handfulls (when you take a finger swipe of dough, there should be at least one choccy chip, or you don't have enough in the mix)

Eat dough.

Bake whatever is left at 375 degrees until it starts to turn golden brown - usually 15-20 minutes.

NBA Playoffs

So we're going to have a little family contest. Everyone should post their NBA playoff predicions (I guess just comment on this post) and Dad is going to compensate whoever wins. Just say which team and in how many games... GO LAKERS!!
Well this is Melissa. Some of you may have forgotten about me because I have never written on here and I can't figure out how to change my pic to one that actually looks like me these days. I'm gonna have to give myself the family award for changing hair color/styles most often by the way. So I am the only child going to the Schwieder family will all miss me i know. But I want you to all know that I am still the favorite in the family....with the best teeth. Thank you...have a good day!

Monday, May 19, 2008


O yeah and I need dad to post the recipe for congs. Thx!!

What's goin' on!!!

Just to let you guys know♥ I am doing hip hop for dance festival to a song called step up from the Cheetah Girls♥ I don't really know how to spell that but o-well♥ I get my braces this thursday and have a math test 2morrow♥ My best friends these days are Mason Storrar and Hayley Markstrom♥ but I have other ok friends♥ Hayley and i are getting our braces on 2gether♥ I have ok grades my progress report said i have 4 a's and 2 b+♥ I am done with my ballet dance and for anyone who wants to come it's on fathers day♥ Yeah I think that's all for now♥

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kailey's lookin good these days...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Yea verily....

Let's definitely hear about Scottee's brush with the law!!
Anyone that has questionable pics of Kake - please post them until she posts ones she likes!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Who's tryin to write about Scottee's stint with the law... I want details!!

Dad's May

5/6 - HAPPY BIRTHMONTH to Kimmie & Scottie!!

After their bdays, the next big family event is the reunion at Teresa & Mike's in St George on 20-22 June. Make your plans to be there!

We would all like to see posts on what is going on with you!

Today I fly from Chicago to my new home city - Provo! (I can't believe it either!) I don't have any more trips scheduled for May.

About Us

We decided to create a website for everyone to be able to keep up with us... were all over the place, and continue to change and move pretty much every couple of months.

D Mavs!

D Mavs!
Where all our loyalties lie...